May 11, 2020 1 Comment
A Message from the Owner of Bakers Sto N Go Regarding Covid-19
It’s really hard to imagine where we are right now, after all we are the United States of America, and to be going through what we are, is just truly hard to imagine. But we are here.
During these tough times there has been an influx of baking, and I think that is a good thing. Families have come together like I haven’t seen in a long time. That is a blessing. I love to see this, and hear the stories about moms and dads baking with their kids. Many good things will come out of this Covid, we just have to look for them sometimes. In moments of darkness there is always light…somewhere.
I have heard many stories, and I want to thank you for sharing them. These stories have been the highlight of my days. Your happy times became my strength to keep going and doing what I love. For that I am grateful.
I want everyone to know, we manufacture in the USA, to be specific Knox, Indiana. The manufacture has taken every step to be compliant with manufacturing. Masks, gloves, and social distancing are in place. The safety of our American workers is very important. Our factory has not had any Covid cases. We are still working away to be able to provide you with the best storage for your tasty treats.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me, I am here to help. Angela Horevitz, Owner, 954-859-5900.
May you and your family be safe, stay safe, and we are all stronger together. We will get through this.
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February 03, 2021
February 26, 2020
September 23, 2020
Thank you to all my customers for all their continued support during these Covid hard times. You’ve all been so wonderful.