February 03, 2021
June 23, 2020
Jello shots in the Bakers Sto N Go
Wait what?? Jellos shots in the Bakers Sto N Go, but I thought that was for food only?? Well guess what, so did I until I saw the struggle with these little jello shots, and I just had an aha moment, and thought I would try it out in the Bakers Sto N Go. What a silly idea? Right? Well actually it works perfectly.
You see, I am not that mom that enjoys to drink. I am that mom that will “maybe” have a glass of wine after the workout, the dinner is made and dishes are clean, and if there’s a chance of relaxation before my son goes to bed, I will indulge in a good glass of wine. So to hear and talk about jello shots kinda just blows my mind. Especially in the same sentence as Bakers Sto N Go.
So after seeing the struggle from hanging out with friends that are way more fun than me, the idea came. I was at a concert and saw a girl with a huge tray, and a huge cooler, just to store these shots. I was at a costume party and the host made these shots and had them on a huge tray and the fridge wasn’t big enough to store them. Oh the drama. Can you image? You work so hard to make these little tasty shots, then what. How do you store them without taking up so much room…………in the Bakers Sto N Go!
Take a look. Here’s some great photos for you to enjoy!
While I am promoting the best way to store your food items, I am also a huge advocate of safe drinking! Please do so responsibly!
Did this make the light bulb go off in your head about all the different things you can do with this small crafty food storage container??? It sure did mine, who knew?
Stay in touch and we’ll give you more ideas.
May 11, 2020 1 Comment
A Message from the Owner of Bakers Sto N Go Regarding Covid-19
It’s really hard to imagine where we are right now, after all we are the United States of America, and to be going through what we are, is just truly hard to imagine. But we are here.
During these tough times there has been an influx of baking, and I think that is a good thing. Families have come together like I haven’t seen in a long time. That is a blessing. I love to see this, and hear the stories about moms and dads baking with their kids. Many good things will come out of this Covid, we just have to look for them sometimes. In moments of darkness there is always light…somewhere.
I have heard many stories, and I want to thank you for sharing them. These stories have been the highlight of my days. Your happy times became my strength to keep going and doing what I love. For that I am grateful.
I want everyone to know, we manufacture in the USA, to be specific Knox, Indiana. The manufacture has taken every step to be compliant with manufacturing. Masks, gloves, and social distancing are in place. The safety of our American workers is very important. Our factory has not had any Covid cases. We are still working away to be able to provide you with the best storage for your tasty treats.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me, I am here to help. Angela Horevitz, Owner, 954-859-5900.
May you and your family be safe, stay safe, and we are all stronger together. We will get through this.
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020
Who doesn't love donuts? But what's even better about donuts, is a way to store them so they don't get ruined or stale. I love to bake, however, I am the only one in the family who loves to eat these goodies. Can you even imagine? So I have to have a way to store them, and keep them fresh.
Thank goodness for this product.
Sprinkles, chocolate gnache topping, cute toppings, oh my, your mind can go wild with making homemade donuts. Go ahead, have fun, and now you have a way to store them!
Happy baking!
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020
Lets talk Brownies….Decadent brownies…100% delicious
So I like brownies, I’m guessing you do too! What’s not to like?? I mean chocolate softness in your mouth, maybe with a cup of coffee, or milk! Who can resist! I know I sure can’t, and when it comes to storing those decadent brownies, what do you do?? Possibly put plastic wrap over them, goodness…they’ll get stale too quickly! Or could put them in them in a big container, that just takes up too much room. Or, I have a better idea, the Bakers Sto N Go. Let me show you how! You must see how much easier your baking life can be. It’s amazing! It really will change everything! Just look.
First, I’m going to show you a box mix that I simply purchased at the store, because they make some delicious brownies, and oh so easy! And lets not forget quick!
Once they are baked, they will taste great as they are! But here was my ongoing problem, I always like to take something store bought and make it semi-homemade. Adds a little personal touch, so I decided to make a ganache topping for it, and OMG it took it took a new level! My new favorite brownie that took no time at all to make.
Gnache topping
Now lets frost the brownies!
Of course you could do this next! I highly DON”T recommend. You spend precious time baking these, you have to make sure they stay looking perfect and of course fresh!
Now your left with this pile of goodness! What to do??
Boy do I have a solution for you! Check out how easy this is!
Layer your brownies on shelves inside a food storage container! Genius! Takes up little room, nothing touches! Everything is perfect! Look!
They all fit so nicely! So you see, there is no need for plastic wrap around your tasty treats. There is no need for a large food storage container around your treats! All you need is the Bakers Sto N Go food storage container! It will neatly store everything. I will be showing you more later! But for now, here’s brownies!
February 26, 2020
Inventor becomes WBENC Certified
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA – September 27, 2018
Baker’s Sto N Go has received national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Development Council of Florida, a regional certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).
“We are so proud to count Baker’s Sto N Go as one of the 11,500 certified women business enterprises in the U.S.” said G. Nancy Allen, President and CEO of the Women’s Business Development Council of Florida. WBENC’s national standard of certification provided by the Women’s Business Development Council of Florida Certification Committee is a meticulous process including an in-depth review of the business and a site inspection. The certification process is designed to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by a woman or women. According to WBENC, by including women-owned business among their vendors, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of the supplier/vendor diversity programs.
“We are honored and elated to be a part of this growing organization, to receive such an important certification that fosters the growth of women-owned businesses”, said Angela Horevitz, creator and CEO of Baker’s Sto N Go.
About Baker’s Sto N Go:
Baker’s Sto N Go is a food storage container that contains adjustable shelves on the inside which allows you to layer your tasty treats. It’s perfect for those holiday frosted cookies and brownies. There’s even an option for deviled eggs, swap the straight shelves for the deviled egg shelves to hold 32 deviled eggs. It does so much more than a traditional food storage container. Bakers Sto N Go uses the finest grade plastic and is both Lead free and BPA free.
About WBENC:
The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council is the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the United States. WBENC is a resource for the thousands of US companies and government agencies that rely on WBENC’s certification as an integral part of their supplier diversity programs.
Contact Info:
Angela Horevitz
February 26, 2020