February 26, 2020
Of all the cookies available to make, I always choose this one, it is by far my favorite! Maybe it's because of the sugar and cinnamon, who knows, but it is my favorite! I always ate them as a kid and as an adult they are still my favorite! And...I am a chocolate fanatic! Makes no sense. I have been making a certain recipe to years and years, but I recently found a new one that I love so much! Found on Pinterest, my favorite baking website. It has all the great stuff and it's a great way to display my Bakers Sto N Go food storage container. With that said, let me show you the power of the Bakers Sto N Go. Known as a cookie carrier, or a brownie carrier. Here's 40 Snickerdoodles.
Watch carefully how these fit nicely in our food storage container. I will show you each level and how many cookies you can get on one tray in the container.
Here is the bottom tray which is smaller than all the other trays, as it's only meant to fit on the bottom of the container.
You can see we got 9 cookies on the bottom tray. These cookies are about 2" big. The average cookie size.
Now I will show you the next tray. This one is slightly bigger, as you can see the container bows out in the middle to allow for a bigger tray, which means more cookies. :)
So on one of the middle trays, you can get 12 cookies. Wow! It keeps getting better. Now look how the cookies don't touch one another, this is perfect for frosted sugar cookies, but we'll get to that in another blog.
Here's the next layer.
As you can see here, we only used 9 cookies, could have used 12 but no need, we have a ton of room. We needed to divide these up so we could have some for the top tray. Just to balance it out. But 12 more could have fit. This tray is the same size as the beneath it. (Now you could only use 3 trays if you want, the grooves on the side let you decide how many trays are needed Can you imagine, a food storage container that lets you decide the height of what you store)?
Now for the 4th and final tray.
As you can see on this tray we got 10 cookies, the last of the bunch. So if we do our math correctly, we have 9+12+9+10 = 40 cookies!!! Can you say 40 cookies!! Looking at this small container, it seems impossible for 40 cookies to fit. So I broke it down to show you how you can get 40 cookies in there.
Just a side note, while in the development phase, I made many batches of cookies, the everyday sort of cookies, nothing bakery size, nothing petite, but normal size to see how many would fit. I would use a sheet of paper and put the cookies on the paper, and this is how I came up with the size of the Bakers Sto N Go. And after our first sample, I was shocked at how small it was, but it does what it is supposed to do, be a cookie carrier! I want this to be the best cookie carrier out there!
For the final picture, showing it all closed up.
There you have it! 40 cookies! I hope you've enjoyed being on this snickerdoodle cookie journey with me! It's been a pleasure to write and educate! :)
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February 03, 2021